The Importance of Email Maintenance 

I have a horrible habit of keeping emails that “I’ll get to later.” How horrible? Well, at one point I had over 10k emails in my main account and over 5k in another account. 🤦🏾‍♀️

When I started my maintenance project last December, I noticed that I had VERY OLD emails that were at least 2-3 years old! 🤦🏾‍♀️😳 Emails that I never went back to. Out of sight, out of mind. I am happy to say that my inbox is no longer out of control! 🎉

So, to keep you from being under an avalanche of emails like I was, I’m going to share a few ways to help keep your inbox shiny & unchaotic. 

1. Do email maintenance for all of your business & personal accounts at least once a month. Depending on how much you receive on a daily basis, you may want to do this biweekly, it’s totally up to you.

2. File folders are your friend. Create them for any emails that you want to keep. This will definitely help keep your account organized. I found that this has also helped me whenever I sign up for e-courses and newsletters. 

3. Do not keep anything in your inbox that is over 2-3 months old. If you haven’t gotten back to it by now, chances are you’re not going to.

4. Maintaining your inbox can be done via desktop or mobile devices. Did you know that if you have connected your account(s) to your mobile device, the email in your inbox is taking up storage space? This may be just the incentive you need to maintain your inbox! 

5. How to start your email maintenance. Briefly scan the subject lines, most email providers allow you to do around 50 at a time. If you find something of great importance, place it in a folder, otherwise 🚮.

I think that’s all of the advice I have for right now. I may add more in the future. If you have any email maintenance tips, I would love for you to share them in the comments below. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You can follow me on Twitter @MsKatsFaves, and on Bloglovin!

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Ms. Kat's Favorite Things

Hey there! Welcome to my blog! I'm Kat and I'm here to share things that I love and things that have me kinda excited (okay very excited)! I'll talk about movies, music, television shows, food and whatever else rings my bell & floats my boat! If you have any referrals or want to talk about something you love, just drop me a line. I'll either check it out myself or I'll invite you to talk about it!

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7 thoughts on “The Importance of Email Maintenance ”

  1. I was cleaning out my email inbox the other day and I couldn’t believe that I had emails from 2011 in one of my email accounts. I was just like… how can we NAWT have this be a thing again lol. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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